Previous Events
The 14th Annual, was one of our largest turnouts to was amazing that we had so many new teams to join us. It was a fun and beautiful day for golf. Glory Days donated an amazing lunch while we had Ornery Beer Company and Murlarkey Spirits keeping us all hydrated...well and a lot of water. Thank you all that came out, all the volunteers and sponsors! See you next year! -- check out the photos
The 13th Annual, was a great event...we are so grateful for all the support! The overwhelming support is so heartwarming and it makes TS not win over Tyler. Thank you again for all the companys, sponsors, voluteers and players to make this year a successful one!! -- check out the photos
The 12th Annual, was everyone getting back to their regular routines after Covid. We had an amazing turn out for Tyler and saw a lot of family and friends. Weather was perfect and everyone had a great time. Thank you to Glory Days Grill, Murlarkey Spirits and Ornery Beer Company for all the donated food and drinks!! What a fun day! Thank you -- check out the photos