Previous Events

The 14th Annual, was one of our largest turnouts to was amazing that we had so many new teams to join us.   It was a fun and beautiful day for golf.  Glory Days donated an amazing lunch while we had Ornery Beer Company and Murlarkey Spirits keeping us all hydrated...well and a lot of water.   Thank you all that came out, all the volunteers and sponsors!   See you next year!   -- check out the photos

The 13th Annual, was a great event...we are so grateful for all the support!   The overwhelming support is so heartwarming and it makes TS not win over Tyler.   Thank you again for all the companys, sponsors, voluteers and players to make this year a successful one!!    -- check out the photos

The 12th Annual, was everyone getting back to their regular routines after Covid.   We had an amazing turn out for Tyler and saw a lot of family and friends.   Weather was perfect and everyone had a great time.   Thank you to Glory Days Grill, Murlarkey Spirits and Ornery Beer Company for all the donated food and drinks!!   What a fun day!   Thank you   -- check out the photos

The 11th Annual, was an crazy year with Covid-19 Edition for Tee off for Tyler.   Life changed and everyone was social distancing with wearing masks!   We are so grateful for the family and friends that have continued to support us and during this trying year.   Glory Days Grill, Murlarkey Spirits and Tucked Away Brewing pulled through with all their donations and amazing food and drinks.  It's one for the books...let's hope for a brighter, better, Covid free tournament next year!    Thank you again!  -- check out the photos

The 10th Annual was an historic, love, and support!   Weather was perfect and it was such a fun day.   Glory Days lunch was delicious as always, beer on course, Murlarkey spirits on course, fun game and so many laughs!  We are so grateful for everyone that has supported us the last 10 years.   Thank you! -- check out the photos

The 9th Annual, was an amazing day and everyone had a great time, weather was great and the support was amazing.  As always Glory Days (Manassas) cooked up an amazing lunch, Britton James played pre round, this year we had Erika Larkin on the putting green giving tips to golfers, and MurLarkey Spirit and Tin Cannon Beer on course for golfers.  Thank you to the volunteers and Westfields for making the day run smoothly.   We are so grateful for the love and support you show Tyler!  Thank you!   -- check out the photos

The 8th Annual, I want to thank everyone that participated in this years 8th Annual Tee off for Tyler event last Friday Aug. 18th, 2017.  It was an amazing day and a lot of fun! A huge thank you to Glory Days (Manassas) for providing a great lunch, Britton James for your amazing music, MurLarkey Distilled Spirits for setting up a tasting table with your delicious whiskey, Top Golf for coming out and Westfields Golf Club for hosting an outstanding event. Also a huge thank you to all the golfers, sponsors, and donations received. Thank you to Gillian, Grace, Terri, Patrick, Sheri and Colin for volunteering during the day! We are so honored to have such great support from so many of our friends and family! Thank you! -- check out the photos

The 7th Annual "Tee Off for Tyler" was held on Friday Aug. 19, 2016 at Westfields Golf Club.  To date we had the largest and best event ever!!  Everyone had a great time and the support was overwhelming.  Glory Days Grill had another amazing lunch which everyone loved and the golfers had a great day!  We had the honor to have the Senior PGA Championship Trophy on display post round for the golfers.  Thank you to all our family and friends!  Tyler is so lucky to have so much love. -- check out the photos

The 6th Annual "Tee Off for Tyler" was held on Friday Aug. 21, 2015 at Westfields Golf Club.  It was an amazing event...our largest to date!  Thank you to everyone that came out and supported Tyler.  Thank you to Glory Days Grill for another amazing lunch and everything you do.  What a fun day it was.  We were happy to have Ron Saul and his wife Robin join us in the event.  Ron Saul, a Redskins guard from 1976-1982 and one of the original "Hogs" collected a ring from the Redskins win over the Dolphins in Super Bowl XVII.  Ron also played for the Oilers from 1970-1975.  We couldn't of been more happy to have them join us to make the event more special.  -- check out the photos

The 5th Annual "Tee Off for Tyler" was held on Friday Aug. 22, 2014 at Westfields Golf Club ..thank you to them for holding a wonderful event.  As well as Glory Days Grill for an amazing lunch and sponsorship for Hit the Green.  Everyone had a blast and the weather ended up being perfect.  Thank you to all our friends and family that support Tyler and continue to care so much for him!  2014 Pictures will be up soon.  -- check out the photos

The 4th Annual "Tee Off for Tyler" was held at Westfields Golf Club in Clifton, VA on Friday August 23, 2013 and was a blast.  We are so thankful for all the support we have from some great friends and family.  This year we had some new faces to the event and had a great turnout.  Thank you to Glory Days Grill for the wonderful guys are the best and do this every year...THANK YOU!!  It was a wonderful day of golf and fun.  -- check out the photos

The 3rd Annual "Tee Off for Tyler' was held at Pleasant Valley Golf Club, August 3rd, 2012 and was a huge success.  It was a blast to see all of our friends and family enjoying themselves on a wonderful day and we raised a lot of money for Tyler.  THANK YOU!!  We are so grateful for everyone in our lives and how they love Tyler.  Thanks again for a wonderful day!  Pictures of the event to follow.  -- check out the photos

The 2nd annual "Tee Off for Tyler" was held on June 2nd, 2011 and again was a huge success...This year it was held at Bristow Manor Golf Course and sponsored by Glory Days Grill...who also provided a BBQ hot lunch for all the golfers at the turn...THANK YOU!  Everyone had a great time and we raise a lot of money for Tyler.  We are so grateful for all the support we received...Thanks again!  Pictures of the event to follow.  -- check out the photos

The 1st annual "Tee Off for Tyler" was held on Aug 19, 2010  and was great...we raised a lot of money for Tyler and the outcome was amazing.  Thank you to General's Ridge Golf Course and Clarke's Grill for a wonderful day.  Everyone's generosity was greatly appreciated.  Pictures of the event to follow.  -- check out the photos